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compression of video中文是什么意思

用"compression of video"造句"compression of video"怎么读"compression of video" in a sentence


  • 图像压缩


  • In this paper , three method are proposed . the two among them are that the higher information transmission data rate will be given in the increasement of the signal transmitted power , and another is got through the compression of video signal data rate
  • Firstly , the paper compares v . 90 , modem , xdsl , isdn in their characters , difficulties , management and costs . finally , we choose to construct the h . 320 multi - media communication system based on n - isdn . secondly , in the theoretical part of the paper , the basic theory of h . 320 multi - media communication is introduced , such as the compression of video and audio data , h . 320 stack protocol and especially introduced the theory , relative protocol and the technique of access to the net of n - isdn
    本文针对铜线接入技术应用的基础和现状,对v . 90 、 modem 、 xdsl 、 isdn等接入方式的技术特点、接入难度、运行管理和经济性等方面进行对比分析,结合接入的具体环境,通信需求和经济性等方面的特点,重点阐述了n ? isdn接入方案的可行性和“基于n ? isdn接入的h . 320多媒体通信系统”的实现方案。
  • This paper also provides some background knowledge about sip and video conference , such as the sip framework , the history of voip and video conference , etc . this paper emphasizes on the implementation of sip terminal on the windows platform , including the realization of sip stack , the capture and compression of video and audio steams , rtp transmission of stream data , the working thread of sip terminal and the optimization of video codecs
    本文在论述研究工作的同时也介绍了一些相关的背景知识如sip协议的框架、 voip和可视电话的发展历史等。本文重点论述了windows平台sip多媒体终端的实现,包括sip协议栈的实现、视音频流的采集、编解码和网络传输方案、 sip终端的工作流程、以及编解码器基于指令集的优化。
用"compression of video"造句  
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